Hi, I'm Satu

About me

drawn profile picture


  • SciFi series
  • Science
  • Languages
  • Art


  • Digital Art
  • Photography
  • Music
  • Dog stuff with Valpuri

Hi there!

Nice to meet you! My name is Satu, and I'm a dreamer. Well, actually I'm a career changer. My background is in chemistry but I've always been deeply interested in design and web development. In the end of 2016 I finally decided to go for it and start working towards my dream. I signed up for a Web Developer online course at Career Foundry and started learning in January 2017. My dream job would be working either as a Web Developer, Frontend Developer or a Game Developer.

I'm a talkative and creative person. I spend most of my days learning new techniques either by reading about them or trying to create the effects for my own ideas. Learning has always been fun and new challenges keep things interesting for me. Oh, and by the way, I'm not usually alone. My one year old and very stubborn dachshund Valpuri keeps me company. Usually she wants to sit on my lap while I write code...

This website is a kind of an introduction page for me. I've listed some things about me and my skills. You can also find links to my previous projects and find about what I'm going to learn next. At the end of the page you will find my contact information. It looks the best with Chrome.

Check out this repository at GitHub here.








My Skills

diagram 5 out of 5


diagram 5 out of 5


diagram 4 out of 5


diagram 4 out of 5

Ruby on Rails

diagram 3 out of 5


diagram 5 out of 5


Tools of Choice

diagram 5 out of 5

Abobe Photoshop

diagram 4 out of 5

Adobe Indesign

diagram 3 out of 5

Adobe Illustrator

diagram 3 out of 5



diagram 5 out of 5


diagram 5 out of 5


diagram 3 out of 5


diagram 2 out of 5


My Projects

At Career Foundry I've learnt how to make basic and dynamic websites using HTML5, CSS3, frontend frameworks like Bootstrap, JavaScript and jQuery. I've also learnt how to build production ready web applications using Ruby on Rails on Heroku. Let's not forget about application security, databases like Postgres and Redis or Git version control or unit and function testing. I've adopted new problem solving skills and a neat way to code.

Go on and see some examples of my work. I've learn all this in about six months and am eager to learn more! I will begin my information technology studies as an adult student in a University of Applied Sciences briefly.

Production Ready E-commerce Application

As a final work for my Web Development course I created a mock up e-commerce application that sells prints. It uses user identification and authorization, Stripe payment possibilities, ActionCable channels and other features. The application is hosted on Heroku. It is made with Ruby on Rails. It uses Postgres as a database and Redis for caching. Check out Valpuri's Printshop Github repository here.

ecommerce application preview

How's It Cookin'?

As an optional project I completed a blog application. It is completed with Ruby on Rails and is hosted on Heroku. It uses a postgres database. This application is used as a humorous cook book where the admin can write articles and users can comment on them. It implements a proper text editor. The dog face of the chef on frontpage is my darling Valpuri. Check out How's It Cookin'? Github repository here.

blog application preview

My Portfolio page

Following pages are a website portfolio and website examples I've completed during this course. The purpose of these has been to learn new techniques.

portfolio preview

No Good Oldie Calculator

No Good Oldie Calculator was made as an independent exercise for my course. The task was to create a functional calculator with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I was interested in learning more about the 3D transformations included in CSS3 and tried them out here! Please try it out with the newest version of Google Chrome or Firefox. This project is not browser optimized.

3d javascript calculator preview

Teal Space Time

During my course we created a very basic parallax effect with both CSS and JQuery plugin. I wanted to make a more elaborate parallax effect with only CSS. Since space sceneries are quite inspirational and fun to do I chose it as my theme and created several levels. I also added a click and hold animation for the spaceship. Please try it out with the newest version of Google Chrome or Firefox. This project is not browser optimized.

parallax effect preview

Future plans

I've completed the Career Foundry Web Development course and now it is time to hone my skills even further. My goal is to learn more about JavaScript frameworks and start my information technology studies. I'm also looking for a trainee or a junior position in this field. If you're interested, send me an email!


admiralmoonkey (a) gmail.com

drawn dog